General GDPR Policies

SC D&H Value SRL is aware of the importance of each candidate's personal data and is committed to protecting their confidentiality and security. For this reason it is important to provide information on the processing of candidates' data in this personal data processing policy.

This policy applies to all devices used for the purpose of recruiting and selecting the right candidate.

Submission of the CV results in the candidate's consent to the processing of personal data.

In accordance with the requirements of Law No. 677/2001 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data as well as the provisions stipulated in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), SC D&H Value SRL safely manages, for the specified purposes, the personal data provided to us by each candidate.

This privacy policy may be revised whenever necessary to ensure compliance with legislative developments, or to meet the needs of the development of the company's activities.

The candidate is fully responsible for the accuracy of the data and information he/she provides to us during the recruitment and selection process and this information corresponds to reality, is accurate and it is assumed that he/she has not knowingly omitted any information that could influence this selection process or the conclusion of the individual employment contract. Providing any incorrect information may render the candidate ineligible for the position for which he/she applied.

This note is for information purposes only in accordance with Art. 12-14 of the GDPR and does not form part of an individual employment contract or offer of employment from DHV.

What is personal data?
Data is personal data if it relates to an identified or at least identifiable individual. A person can be identified if additional information can be obtained without undue effort, which allows the person to be identified.
Who owns the personal data we process?
DHV processes the personal data of candidatesin the recruitment and selection process, as well as the personal data of persons indicated or mentioned in the documents submitted by employees for recruitment purposes (e.g. letters of recommendation), and in this case, the steps to inform those personsof the content of this notification on the processing of personal data must be carried out by the person/candidate who provided this information.
What personal data about candidates do we process?

The personal data we process may include:

  • Identifying data, i.e.: name, date of birth, nationality;
  • Personal contact data such as: mailing address; domicile/residence; telephone number; e-mail address;
  • Data relating to age, gender and existence/type of driving licence;
  • Data on status and professional experience: occupation/profession; positions held; nature of activity; name of employer(s); data mentioned in the CV submitted by the candidate for employment;
  • Data concerning education: name and type of studies completed; name of educational institutions; period; certificates of specialisation and professional qualifications;
  • Data on professional and personal skills mentioned in the CV; foreign languages known/used; computer skills;
  • Data on the main projects and achievements in professional activity;
  • Information from former employers on the professional activities carried out by the candidate and the duration of employment, based on the documents provided/references submitted to us, or obtained through direct communication with them, based on prior information from the candidate;
  • Data on professional training: diplomas, studies, certifications, participation in various training programmes, conferences, trainings;
  • Signature and photograph included in the identity documents or provided to us during the recruitment process;•Salary and/or remuneration data (existing or requested);
  • Data relating to correspondence with the candidate in the recruitment and selection process (including correspondence with recruitment companies authorised by DHV to provide us with the candidate's details for recruitment purposes);
  • At the end of the selection process, in the case of recruitment for employment and prior to the conclusion of the individual employment contract, DHV may also process data concerning the legal situation and administrative or judicial proceedings in which the candidate is involved, insofar as they are related to the professional activity and may influence the conditions for the conclusion of the individual employment contract. Such data may include, as provided for in the applicable legislation: prohibitions on the exercise of certain professions or the holding of certain positions, disciplinary procedures and sanctions; official communications from public authorities relating to charges and/or convictions (e.g. criminal record certificates).
How do we collect candidates' personal data?
As a rule, DHV collects this information directly from the candidate. However, there may be situations where this data is collected in other ways. For example, data may be contained in CVs made public by the candidate on various professional social networks (e.g. LinkedIn), in reference forms and letters of recommendation, or collected following recruitment interviews and assessments carried out by DHV or recruitment companies in the candidate selection process.
DHV may collect data about candidates:
  • Directly from candidates, former employers or, in some cases, from DHV's contractual partners who provide recruitment services and to whom the candidate's details have been provided in order to enter into an individual employment contract;
  • Persons authorised by the candidate to communicate on his/her behalf (e.g. his/her legal or contractual representatives, lawyers, persons recommending him/her with his/her consent);
  • Publications and specialist databases that are publicly available to assess and verify the candidate's professional/personal competencies for employment and to ensure the prevention of potential conflicts of interest.
  • By external sources, we mean various social networks oriented to business and/or professional environments (e.g. LinkedIn); registers and electronic databases provided by public institutions and authorities; information available on the Internet, or from qualified third-party holders of such information.
DHV will collect and use information from third parties, as well as information on the legal situation of the candidates only to the extent that a formal offer of employment is to be communicated to him/her in advance, on which occasion he/she will also inform him/her in detail about the verifications to be carried out in order to conclude the individual employment contract.
For what purposes do we process candidates' personal data?

DHV collects and processes candidates' data to the extent that these data relate to the recruitment and selection process, for legitimate human resources purposes and for the efficient management of the activity, and these purposes may include:

  • Recruitment and selection of staff;
  • Identifying eligible candidates to fill vacant or newly created positions in the company;
  • Checking and assessing the professional and personal skills of candidates applying for employment;
  • Verification of the fulfilment of legal requirements, in the case of occupying certain positions and exercising a regulated profession, for which the legislation imposes specific requirements (e.g. lack of prohibitions);
  • Maintaining the necessary records of the activity in connection with the recruitment process;
  • Protecting the rights and legitimate interests of the company;
  • Managing emergency situations where the health or safety of one or more persons may be at risk;
  • Internal/external audit and control purposes, so that DHV is at all times in a position to prove the fulfilment of its legal obligations, including monitoring compliance with internal regulations and the legal framework applicable to the activities, carried out by employees within DHV;
  • Internal reporting and management purposes;
  • To respond to requests from public authorities;
  • To carry out communication with the candidate and to respond to his/her questions and requests;
  • Administrative purposes;
  • Archiving purposes (physical and/or electronic);
  • Statistical analysis purposes concerning the evolution and optimisation of the recruitment process, the elaboration of the human resources strategy and activity planning.
What is the basis on which we process candidates' personal data?

DHV collects and processes candidates' personal data for the purposes described above.
On the basis of their application for available positions in DHV, in order to carry out the necessary steps to fill a vacancy.
For the fulfilment of its legal obligations as an employer or in connection with the performance of its activities under the Labour Code or other applicable laws.

How do we process candidates' personal data?
Processing of personal data means performing operations such as: collecting, recording, organizing, structuring, storing, modifying/updating, retrieving, consulting, using, transmitting, aligning, authorized disclosure,combining, restricting, deleting, destroying, archiving personal data, etc.
The data will be processed and stored both on paper and electronically in the human resources management systems and IT systems and applications (including e-mail) used within the company.
To achieve the purposes mentioned:
  • We use tools that are not fully automated (human intervention is required), for profiling/assessing the professional and personal competences of the candidate. This profiling is carried out on the basis of information provided directly, or made available to us by third parties (recruitment companies and/or former employers by providing references/recommendations), as well as on the basis of information obtained from open public sources (internet/social networks for professional and business environments/public databases/communications and official information of public interest issued by public authorities/official databases on entities and persons subject to international sanctions). Thanks to these profiles, we can check and determine prior to the conclusion of the individual employment contract whether the conditions required for the position for which you have applied are met, as required by labour legislation.
  • We are subject to the legal obligations, stemming from national and European regulations (e.g. labour law and related legislation).
  • The provision of personal data for these purposes is mandatory.
  • We inform the candidate about the status of the evaluation of his/her application within the recruitment and selection process, about issues related to remuneration and benefits granted by DHV to its employees, as well as about any data and information of interest to the candidate.
  • We identify opportunities to improve the working environment within the company, personal and professional development, career and team communication, so that we can provide appropriate working conditions that meet the training, needs and professional and personal objectives of our employees.
Are candidate data safe?

DHV considers the security of candidates' personal data to be very important and, in this respect, ensures the adoption and periodic review of organisational and technical security measures designed to protect candidates' data against unauthorised access, modification, disclosure or destruction. Access to candidates' personal data is allowed only to persons involved in the recruitment process, according to their specific duties and responsibilities and who have previously agreed to their confidentiality obligations.

If the candidate chooses to communicate with us and transmit personal data by electronic means of communication (e-mail), we are not responsible for the security of electronic correspondence, as it is not fully secure, and by choosing this option, the candidate assumes the risks related to the electronic communication of information (interception, modification, loss, destruction, delays in receiving data, etc.).

How long do we process candidates' personal data?
Candidates' personal data will be processed by DHV throughout the recruitment and selection process for the position(s) applied for, and the retention period of personal data may vary depending on the purpose and basis on which the data is used.
If the candidate accepts a job offer from us and an individual employment contract is concluded, the personal data collected in the recruitment and selection process will become part of the personnel file and will be processed in accordance with the specific internal regulations and information applicable to DHV employees, which will be made available to the candidate after acceptance of the job offer, prior to the conclusion of the individual employment contract.
If the candidate does not accept our offer of employment and/or the recruitment and selection process is not finalized by the conclusion of an individual employment contract between the candidate and DHV, the period of storage/retention of personal data differs depending on the purpose for which they are used:
  • Personal data processed for recruitment and selection purposes, as well as for audit and internal control purposes -6 months from the end of the recruitment and selection process related to the positions applied for or, if applicable, in limited situations, for a period of 1 year.
What are the rights of candidates and how can they exercise them?
You can exercise the following rights at any time, within the limits and under the conditions provided for by the applicable legislation in the field of personal data protection:
Right to information
  • You benefit from the right to information and therefore you can request at any time information and details on how we process your personal data, which we will provide verbally or in writing, through the channels requested by the candidate.

Right of access to candidate data

  • You may at any time request access to your personal data held by DHV, namely confirmation as to whether or not your personal data is being processed, the purposes, grounds and conditions of the processing.

Right to rectification of data

  • You may at any time request us to correct the personal data we hold about you, including on the basis of the completion of a declaration of completion, so as to ensure at all times that your data is current, accurate and correct.

Right to object to data processing

  • For reasons relating to your particular situation, you may object to the processing of your personal data based on your consent, on the legitimate interest of DHV and/or other persons we represent, or to processing carried out in the public interest. In this situation, DHV may further process your personal data only if there are compelling legitimate grounds for the processing which override your interests, rights and freedoms as a data subject, or if the purpose of the processing is the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.

Right to restriction of data

  • You have the right to request restriction of processing in the following situations:
  • has contested the accuracy of your personal data that we process, so for the period necessaryto verify their accuracy, his/her data will be restricted from processing;
  • the processing of the candidate's personal data has been found to have been carried out without a lawful basis and he/she has objected to the deletion of the data, requesting instead the restriction of the processing;
  • he/she objected to the processing of his/her personal data, so during the period in which the validity of the grounds for processing is being verified, his/her data will be restricted; although the data retention period has expired.
  • In the case of restriction of personal data, they will be processed by storage.

Right to erasure of data

  • You may request us to delete your personal data that we process, and we will take all necessary steps in this regard, if:
  • they are no longer necessary to fulfil the purposes for which they were collected;
  • you withdraw your consent and the processing has been carried out on the basis of this consent and there is no other legal basis for continuing the processing;
  • has objected to the processing and there are no legitimate grounds to allow further processing; •his/her personal data have been processed without a purpose.

Right to withdraw consent

  • In cases where the processing is based on the consent of the candidate, the consent may be withdrawn at any time. Withdrawal of consent will only have effect for the future, processing carried out prior to the withdrawal of consent will remain valid.

All these rights can be exercised by submitting a written request to this effect to the contact details mentioned below and receiving a reply within 30 calendar days, or, if the request requires a more complex analysis, this period may be extended by a further 60 calendar days, in which case you will be duly informed, including the reasons for the extension.

If we receive the request in electronic format, we will provide the information also in electronic format, if possible, or in another format requested by the applicant.

DHV may request additional information necessary to confirm identity, before we can grant access to the personal data requested or act on the exercise of the above-mentioned rights.

In justified cases, the law allows us to refuse to act on candidates' requests for personal data if the purpose for which we are processing the data has not been achieved and the processing is not based on the candidate's express consent or, if the candidate's requests are excessive, repetitive or manifestly unfounded. In this situation, we will provide a written explanation of such a refusal.

DHV contact details regarding the processing of personal data

Data Protection Officer: Sandu Doina


Telephone: +40746600839

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